Hearts App App Reviews

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Great UI but faulty AI

Somehow in this game the AI can shoot the moon almost every round, a task which has always been difficult for anyone to do in real hearts. Nearly every turn, one of the AI players will try and will be successful unless you notice and plan intentionally to take one trick with a heart. With a more balanced AI this game would be more fun as the visual design and structure of the game are superb.

Nicely Designed Game

The description doesnt cover everything that goes on in this game. I get the shoot the moon scoring but there is some other thing, something about the sun, I dont really remember what it was called, that isnt covered in the rules so there is no way to know whats happening. Then from time to time someones score resets to zero. Other than the incomplete description/rules which leaves me in the dark it is fun to play. Then theres something called something like point bonus that happens. Also with no explanation.

Awesome game but needs some tweaking

I really enjoy this game. Its super simple and lets you play very quickly. That said, Im finding the AI is insanely difficult. Has anyone actually won a game? The AI Shoots the Moon pretty much every three hands and plays like infallible expert. I think some slight adjustments to the AI could make this game even better.

Looks great, some issues.

I was totally new to Hearts, so heres my perspective. First, Hearts itself is a frustrating game in that fortunes are quickly reversed by a few "gotcha" rules that, unfortunately, arent all spelled out in the brief help. Theres a point bonus of 50 points if you end a round with exactly 50 or 100 points. "Shooting the Sun" means winning all 13 tricks (like shooting the moon, only winning EVERY trick) and adds 52 points to everyone else. I find myself restarting a lot, which consistently crashes the game if done during the trick-end point tally. There also are a few display glitches with cards briefly appearing upside-down or overlapping incorrectly. I love the Letterpress-style aesthetic, but I wish there was a theme that included regular suit symbols, as the geometric ones still throw me off if Im playing quickly. As someone else mentioned, the AI is very good at shooting the moon and yet wont do a thing to stop other players from doing it. So if the AI starts accumulating points, its up to the human to stop them. Lastly, this app is virtually impossible to find on the App Store. Searching "Hearts" and "Hearts App" doesnt work for me and I had to resort to web searching a review. Cant blame the developer for that, but they should probably complain to Apple.

Great game!

This is the best hearts app on the market! I hope aeolix will make more. My only glitch is once in a while a card will freeze. But other than that, its a pretty good AI. I would like to see a multiplayer version.

Fantastic and fun!

Really nice Hearts game -- really clean UI, and pretty good players. Cool themes, too. PLEASE do a Spades app! Id pay for that!


A lesson for all other app makers. Beautiful, functional and simplistic. Well done. This is my new favorite game.

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